Biography of Mohandas Karamchad Gandhi

             Even though the movie starts out with Gandhi's death I'm going to start out with his Life. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on Oct. 2, 1869, in Porbandar, near Bombay. Gandhi was married at age 13. He went to study law in London, England, and returned to the subcontinet to practice. In 1983 he went to south Africa this is where the movie begins.

             Mohandus beining new to this nation wasn't aware or didn't wan to be aware of the segragation that was taking place the first occasion in which he saw this segregation occurred on a train ride while in South Africa. Gandhi had was sitting in first class when a pessenger saw him there and questioned the conductor. The conductor asked to see his ticket gandhi then showed it to him the conducotr then told him to go to third class he refused and was then thrwon off of the train. While at the station he saw a poorer family was there which made him realize that he should be brother and sister with other Indians and their should be no segregation by caste.

             While in South Africa Gandhi protests and fights for the freedom of Coloreds in South Africa referring to the cards that all Indians must carry with them. He writes to newspapers and uses the court systems. Gandhi then holds a meeting in the center of town here he attempts to burn his card and the cards of the board members. Police the attempt to make him stop claiming the cards are government property Gandhi is beaten but he still even in pain burns cards. This is the first time in the movie where we see Gandhi do something even though he is in pain he doesn't fight back but keeps on doing what he is doing. Gandhi is thrown in jail newspaper reporters tell England by press what is occurring in South Africa.

             After Gandhi is released form the Police Hospital he meets up for the first time with Charley Andrews a young clergyman.

             The story starts out, in New Delhi, on January 30, 1948. Gandhi is in the garden, and an assassination comes up, and shots him.

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