Hypertension: An Overview on the "Silent Killer"

            Uncontrolled high blood pressure, hypertension, is one of the leading causes of disability or death due to stroke, heart attack, heart failure and kidney failure. High blood pressure has been described as "the silent killer" because it often occurs without symptoms. Headaches, blurred vision, nosebleeds, or dizziness may occur, but these symptoms are not specific to high blood pressure. .

             Everybody has, and needs blood pressure. Without it, blood cannot circulate through the body. And without circulating blood, vital organs cannot get the oxygen and food that they need to work. So it's important to know the role of blood pressure, and the organs and systems that help regulate it.

             The explanation of blood pressure begins with the cardiovascular system, the system responsible for circulating blood through the heart and blood vessels. When the heart beats, a surge of blood is released from the left ventricle, which is the heart"s main pumping chamber, into an intricate web of blood vessels that spread throughout the body. .

             The arteries are the blood vessels that carry nutrients and oxygenated blood from the heart to the body"s tissues and organs. The largest artery, aorta, is connected to the left ventricle and serves as the main channel for blood leaving the heart. The aorta branches off into smaller arteries, which turn into even smaller arteries, called arterioles. (1).

             Within the body"s tissues and organs are microscopic blood vessels called capillaries. The capillaries exchange nutrients and fresh oxygen from the arterioles for carbon dioxide and other waste products produced by our cells. This "used" blood is sent back to the heart through a system of blood vessels called veins. When it reaches the heart, blood from the veins is routed to the lungs, where it releases carbon dioxide and picks up a new supply of oxygen. This freshly oxygenated blood is sent back to the heart, ready to begin a new journey.

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