Paper on Sarah Pratchett's Life With Her Mother

            Sarah Pratchett, a young innocent girl, living with her mother Mama Pratchett, who treats her without any love and care. They lived a small town, which was near an abandoned train station that had hardly been put to use by anyone except Mama Pratchett, when she had her weekly trips to collect her clothes for her work since Mama was a seamstress. (pg.9) The train station belonged to Uncle Bertie who was related to Will Quaver who also gave him the advantage of getting free trips.

             Sarah being only 9 didn"t understand much of Mama"s doings so did not know or dare question, why babies were coming and disappearing throughout her years spent with Mama. Living her lifestyle was not easy at all suffering day by day with Mama"s chores and nurturing Mama"s little ones. She started to have doubts about Mama"s babies when thing started to look suspicious as the five babies could not have been given birth by Mama since the they were aged between one year to five and none of them were twins. (Pg.1" .

             Sarah would not have any rights of arguing with Mama or even alone think of it. There was one time when Sarah was demanded to come along with Mama to the train station and collect a package. Sarah asked Mama if they were clothes, if so she could leave it with Mr. Quaver but Mama replied with a high toned voice, which no one could ever refuse. (pg.9) Sarah had no intension to even reply back to Mama after what she had said. Sarah had fear in herself to face up to Mama after what she had been through and the way she was treated didn"t give her any self confidence in having her own way with Mama.

             One day Sarah had met a boy named will and got to become good friends through a long friendship, which they had while Mama wasn"t home or was away for her duties. Will was there to guide her and assist her to have a little self confidence boost and a little ego to answer back to Mama to stick up for her self, like when the time she had asked for the permissio9n to have a trip to the swap but was refused by Mama and then the next Sarah had the courage to stick up for herself and demanded that she need freedom too and wanted to be like the other kids.

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