My Lai Massacre Court Trial

            This story starts out with Calley talking about his trial.

             He receives orders and a plane ticket and was told he was going to Washington, D.C. In Washington Calley is met and questioned the Chief of Staff. He later finds out that he"s being questioned for murder at My Lai 4. Word gets out to the media about his actions and he receives loads and loads of letters. He received many letters from past war veterans supporting his actions in My Lai. At the same time he received just as many letters calling him a killer.

             Calley"s trial date was set in 1970. His trial begins.

             Lets flash back to where it all started. The setting changes and we start out when Calley first walks into the recruiter"s office for the army. Calley is drafted into the army. He is low on cash and is looking for a way to get himself to Miami to the draft board. Calley did basic training at Ft Bliss, Texas and later to officer training at Ft. Benning, GA. He was shipped off to Vietnam in 1967.

             Calley tries to follow the rules at first, meaning not showing compassion for the civilians as he was taught. It was hard for the GI"s to tell the kids to go away, because most of the GI"s just loved those kids and Calley couldn"t encourage them not to. Captain Medina is Calley's commanding officer. Medina wants him to burn down a corral. Medina wants a VC body count. Calley replies his count is zero and is told he is not doing his job and will be replaced. .

             One day the GI"s are checking the village. A VC sniper shoots at a GI and a chase through the village pursues. The children swarm the GI"s yelling there are no VC present in the area. Calley now wonders how is he to know which children are VC and which are civilians. VC and be children as well as adults. After a while Calley builds up in his mind that everyone in these areas are VC. His GI"s are shot at everyday, and everyday he asks the children where are the VC and he knows they are there but the children answer no VC"s.

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