Different Culture or Religion

             Often people turn to a particular religion in response to the most confusing question of where we came from and who put us here. Some form of religion can be found in every culture throughout the world. Because the question of our origin is a universal uncertainty, its no wonder that throughout the countless number of religions, there are always some common bonds. Many times religions from different cultures will share beliefs and rituals that are very similar. Often people will judge a different culture or religion without fully understanding it only to find that their beliefs are very similar to that of the people whom they so harshly judged. .


             For example, traditional Africans have such strong family bonds that they continue communication with those who have recently passed away. Reverend William Kingsley Opoku says "Our ancestors are our saints. Christian missionaries who came here wanted us to pray to their saints, their dead people. But what about our saints?" (pg.53) This shows how Christians tried to change the Africans beliefs to accommodate their own without even thinking of how closely related they were. This is quite similar to the Christian practice or habit of visiting the graves of passed loved ones. African cultures take it to the extent of setting a place at the table and food and drink. Likewise some Christians have their loved ones cremated and the ashes are placed in their home. Also many times people visit the graves of those who have passed away. Personally, I often visit the grave of my grandmother. She and I were very close, we even shared the same name. Whenever I really miss her I visit her grave. Sometimes I'll talk to her, or sometimes it just helps to sit there and think. It is a way of keeping her memory alive and helping me to cope with her being gone. .


             Another case of similarity is how many indigenous cultures undergo a "vision quest.

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