The Influence of Japanese Culture

             The Japanese culture dates back to 10,000 BC with many fascinating periods and events. They span from the days of the samurai and shogun, to 1945 when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Although a bomb would be a devastating blow for any country, rapid industrialization and aid from the United States brought Japan to the forefront of world affairs. In the following moments I will attempt to highlight some of the many unique characteristics that Japan has woven throughout its nation. This will include the climate, people, religion, customs, and business protocol. Anyone seeking further information on topics I was unable to cover may wish to refer to my sources "The Insight Guides to Japan" or "The Berlitz Pocket Guides Japan.".

             Japan is roughly the size of California with a population of 120million Japanese, 670,000 Koreans and 130,000 of other nationalities. The capital of Japan is Tokyo and the government is a parliamentary democracy, made up of elected representatives. The country is divided into 47 prefectures, each with a governor. The climate in Japan is generally mild although the country does stretch over 1,700 miles, so there is some variation according to region and season. The rainy season lasts from mid June to mid July followed by six weeks of extreme heat and humidity. September brings the wind and the rains and often some typhoons . The remainder of the year is mild in the 50"s, 40.s, and 30,s until March when the temps climb back up eventually to 70,s in mid summer.

             Japan is a wondrous country filled with a rich cultural heritage and many customs that are different from those in the western world. The customs in Japan have created many do"s and don"ts that make travel to Japan very interesting. Many Americans have been guilty of cultural ignorance when in Japan the religions of Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Shinto exist. The Japanese have incorporated shrines into their homes enabling them to worship on their own time and own terms.

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