Knowing History is Essential to Us


             Knowing history is essential to us because we can acquire things from our past and will be able to learn and grow form them. Knowing our history keeps us from making the same mistakes. We can also find out our families past and see where we come from by looking up our roots. We can look into history and try to predict the outcome of what we might do in the future. We can also build from the knowledge of past achievements.

             The mistakes we do in the past can help us from making the same mistakes in the future. Looking into history helps us in various ways. The government uses history to help make decisions for their country. If a course of events occurred 50 years ago and turned out to be bad for the country, now it seems those course of events seem to be appearing again the government might take an alternative action than from the first time it happened. Which, may have better results But there are other uses for history like your roots.

             Our roots can show us our "family tree." It tells us where we have descended. You might even find out your family is from a completely different country, or your you might be different nationalities. If you look into the Filipino nationality they vary in colors. Some are very pale white and others are very dark. This may because the Spaniards once ruled the Philippines are married Filipinos making them light or they could be the cause of people from mainland of Asia. Filipinos also look very similar to the neighboring islanders more south who do not belong to the Philippines. Hispanics are a mixture of Spaniard and Indians in the regions of Mexico. History can help make predictions that will be beneficial to us.

             We can also make predictions for the upcoming future. Stockbrokers can look up the history of the stocks to predict what will make money. If a person was interested in investing money into the stock market the stockbroker will recommend what this person could invest in.

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