The Scope of Binge Drinking on the Campuses of America

            Binge Drinking on America"s Campuses.

             What do a DWI ticket, frequent memory lapses, falling behind in schoolwork, and unplanned sexual activity have in common? If you guessed that these are the most common results of binge drinking by college students, you would be correct (Thompson, J.J. 63). A recent survey revealed that almost half of college students engage in "binge drinking", and half of those who binge drink do so regularly (McCormick, John; Kalb, Claudia 89). It is not the half that drinks responsibly that needs addressing or programs targeting them; it is the other half of students that engage in so-called binge drinking. This paper aims to discuss both the scope of binge drinking on the campuses of America"s colleges and universities and techniques used to combat it. Binge drinking is defined as, "five or more drinks for a man at any one time within a two-week period, four or more drinks for a woman" (Thompson, J.J. 63). Binge drinking is rampant on today's colleges and university campuses. Schools affected are both large and small, just as they are both urban and rural.

             At the same time America has managed to keep the same percentage of its students from drinking entirely for the last five years, binge drinking has been on the rise (Thompson, J.J. 63). While 49 percent of college students binge, only 28 percent of their non-college counterparts do (McCormick, John; Kalb, Claudia 89), clearly illustrating the divide that exists between students and non-students. These figures are upsetting in that one would expect universities to be the breeding ground for new leaders and innovative thinkers in society while these figures make today's college campuses look like nothing more than National Lampoon's Animal House- a drunken debauchery. .

             Consider these facts: For women, this study found that 80% of sorority house residents had binged during the last 2 weeks prior to this study compared with 58% of non-resident sorority women, and 35% of non-Greek women.

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