Frank Sinatra's New York New York

             New York, New York says Frank Sinatra. There must be something about New York that makes this city this much popular and this much special. Even when someone speaks about the United States New York is one of the first things that come to the mind. But Why? Why New York is this much special and different than the other 51 states of America? This is because of its interesting and huge buildings, because of its crowded and noisy which you can never see the same in anywhere of the world, and because of its lovely songs and musical which rises from the Broadway. These reasons will be enough to give the answer for the question above.

             Its buildings are one of the reasons why New York is different than the other cities of the U.S. as it is mentioned above. The first building that one can think of is of course the "Statue of Liberty". More than that Statue Of Liberty is not only the symbol of New York but also it is the symbol of the U.S. This wonderful statue is a gift for the American people from the French. In 1886 Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi who is a French sculptor designed the statue and he devoted his 21 years to make this masterpiece. The model for the statue was Bartholdi"s mother and the 7 rays of the crown symbolises the seven seas and seven continents. The statue is 93m tall and 225 tonne weight and it dominates the whole New York harbour. 354 steps needed to be taken in order to reach the top where the Crown is. The crown is the highest point, which is open to the visitors. There is museum inside the statue "Statue of Liberty Museum" which has different posters and photos of the statue. A familiar person who has also done the Eiffel Tower in Paris after this statue, Gustave Eiffel, designs the frame of the statue. The Pedestal is set between the walls of an army fort. On the base of the statue a poem of Emma Lazarus is carved there it says: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

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