Analysis of Theories on Human Belief

            Two Philosophers and Their Theories of Belief.

             When reading Rene Descartes" Meditations on First Philosophy and David Hume"s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, one notices that both philosophers focus a large part of their writings on the subject of human belief. Both authors have different theories on what makes a person form those beliefs that are important in life. Through an analysis of their theories, it is possible to understand the way these two philosophers lived their lives and what type of people they were.

             Descartes" theory of human belief has a few rules that set the basis of his beliefs. The word that best describes his theory is skepticism. The main doctrine that makes up his belief is: "If you doubt something at all, don"t believe it." .

             In Descartes" Meditations, the author"s main goal is to make the reader look at the world through analytical eyes. Descartes goes as far as refuting his trust of the senses, the body, and the sciences that have been proven to be reliable time and time again. Through these examples, the reader gains a sense that Descartes isn"t afraid to question even the simplest, most proven foundations of society. He says, "It is a mark of prudence never to place our complete trust in those who have deceived us even once." .

             Descartes makes sure in his Meditations that he leaves no stones unturned. He believes this adds completeness to his studies, which is the most important thing to him. When he finds what he truly believes, he has reached his goal. .

             When David Hume analyzes what his beliefs are in An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, he comes to the conclusion that beliefs are ideas that are "lively." In order for a person to truly believe in something, they must first experience it in the real world. Hume uses an example of Adam not knowing that he would drown in water unless he had hands-on experience. A mere visual observation of the water wouldn"t give him the knowledge that he could drown in the transparent liquid.

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