Juvenile Homes

            A question that is often asked throughout the world today is where does juvenile delinquency start at. The most logical answer that comes to people"s minds is the juveniles home. Many different factors from the home can be used to describe why a juvenile becomes delinquent, or negligent in what they do. Some are poor housing conditions, the abuse of drugs or alcohol in the house, lack of attention to the juvenile, fighting between the parents, or abuse of the juvenile, or child. Whichever factor causes the delinquency, it can be said that factors from the home are most likely to affect the juvenile.

             Poor housing conditions can be a major reason for kids becoming delinquent. To explain this you must ask, "why should I care about how I live if my parents don"t care about how they live?" Juveniles would rather stay away from a place that they don"t care to live in which leaves them bumming from other people for housing. When moving from place to place many different things can be encountered such as drugs, or abuses such as physical, sexual, or mental. A juvenile without a stable place to live will almost inevitably become delinquent.

             Use of drugs or alcohol can also cause problems in the home. Either of these items being abused in the home will immediately cause it to be unstable. Both items will most likely lead to other things such as fighting between the parents, abuse of the juvenile, or just an overall disregard for life. On top of that it gives the juvenile an easy chance to start using the products. Once the juvenile is using drugs or alcohol they are definitely becoming delinquent. The drugs and/or alcohol doesn't allow for any of the necessary binding which needs to happen for a family to be stable.

             Another important factor is whether the juvenile has a place in the family, or whether they are getting enough attention. This is important in their younger years until adulthood.

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