True Meaning of a Hero

            What is a hero? We hear the term all the time but do we know what it means. A hero is someone who can be trusted, relied upon, and willing to face adversity, Beowulf is filled with heroes. The characters that should be considered a Hero in this epic poem are Beowulf, Wiglaf, and Shild. .

             Beowulf was above and beyond the qualifications of being named a hero. Everything Beowulf did was for his people. Even in his death he was thinking of only his people, "Death will be softer, Leaving life and this people I"ve ruled so long, If I look at this last of all prizes."(Line 2749, Page 108) Beowulf did not mind dying for his people as he knew that by killing the dragon and risking his own life that he would make his people happy and wealthier than they were now. His motivation was the good of the people he ruled and nothing else. He did not seek personal fame or glory just the respect of his people. The only personal trophy he wanted was to be known as one of the greatest leaders of his time. He pleaded his case with the way he cared for his men.

             Wiglaf plays an important part in this story. At the end of the story he marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. Wiglaf is the only one of Beowulf"s men who stays by the side of Beowulf at the end of his life. When everyone else has left Beowulf, their great leader, Wiglaf is still there showing his loyalty to him. After Beowulf dies Wiglaf shows his first real sign of him possibly becoming the successor to Beowulf. This happens when he finds the treasure and decides to bury it, as it will help his people by keeping other tribes from trying to invade, steal, and kill the Geats. Because of the death of Beowulf his people are left week and vulnerable. Wiglaf"s courage was summed up all in the following statement, "And then when Beowulf needed him most Wiglaf showed his courage, his strength and skill, and the boldness he was born with.

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