The Learning Styles of the Child

            The two most critical things parents must do to support education are to work closely with their children at home, actively engaged in their homework and subjects; and to participate in school and community meetings. By participating actively in these two significant matters of a child's education, they can encourage the student to learn at his or her optimal capacity and prevent academic and behavioral problems.

             When parents actively participate in their child's homework, they can greatly assist the learning process, and nip in the bud small problems. For example, if a child demonstrates an early resistance to grammar, the parent can help teach their child grammar rules in a different way than they are being taught in the classroom. As no teacher is perfect and none can support the needs of every single student, it is up to the parent to pay attention to the learning styles of their child.

             No matter how busy in their career, a parent should always have enough time to engage their child in homework activities as well as engage their child's school in political matters. When the teacher holds a meeting, a parent must attend; when the student has a recital or a sports game, the parent should likewise attend to demonstrate interest and solidarity with the child. If the school board holds a meeting regarding the future structure of the school, the parent should also attend those meetings. In addition to paying attention to the student's homework needs and school meetings, the parent should practice basic, fundamental disciplinary skills such as restricting television or reprimanding inappropriate behavior; encouraging the student to develop meaningful social ties; and encouraging the student to pursue meaningful extracurricular and creative enterprises.

             Looping is an effective way for student and teacher to forge meaningful and productive educational relationships. Through looping, a student and teacher can bond and the teacher can better learn about the student and vice-versa.

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