Polio; Known as Poliomyelitis

             Polio, also known as poliomyelitis, is a contagious viral illness that produces no symptoms in ninety-five percent of cases. While a plague to the human race for centuries, polio was never the devastating scourge that other diseases, such as bubonic plague and smallpox, were. Then, in the early 20th century, polio came into its own, and the largest outbreak of the disease ever seen began. It is from this large outbreak that our dread of polio largely comes from. From this outbreak, we have gotten the devastating images of children in wheelchairs and iron lungs, paralyzed from the ravages of polio, some never to walk again. And it is this outbreak of polio that led to the tremendous push from Western medicine to eradicate it once and for all.

             While polio normally produces no symptoms, in the small percentage of cases that do produce symptoms, the disease can take three different forms:.

             Abortive polio-Produces mild flu-like symptoms such as diarrhea, sore throat, fever, upper respiratory symptoms, and a general feeling of malaise.

             Nonparalytic polio-Produces neurological symptoms such as neck stiffness and sensitivity to light.

             Paralytic polio-The most devastating form of the disease, and also the least common. Its name says it all. This form of polio causes muscle paralysis, weakening the limbs and even making breathing difficult. This form of polio can kill (Klein, 2005).

             While most people with abortive and nonparalytic polio make a full recovery, .

             the prospects for those with paralytic polio are not as good. Though the acute form of the polio illness only lasts about two weeks, the after-effects can be long lasting, even lasting a lifetime. The muscles in the arms and legs that were weakened by the virus may never regain their full strength and can appear withered. Those who do appear to make a full recovery can still come down with post-polio syndrome, in which the damage done to the nerves in the arms and legs causes an acceleration of the natural weakening process that comes with age; sometimes post-polio syndrome may not appear until thirty or forty years after the initial disease has gone.

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