The Aspect of Gendering Jobs with the Notion of Gender Binary

            Sex is the term hegemonic society uses to identify the anatomical differences between men and women on the contrary gender conforms to such sexes. Nonetheless, gender has been constructed to reconcile to certain roles for men and women. Gender roles are pre-conceived ideas that hegemonic society has based on an individual's sex. The definition of gender is an individual's sense of identity or belonging to either the male or female classification. The social construction of gender is what hegemonic society sees as normal, regardless of an individual's biological assignment. Gender is an ideology as well as a hegemonic idea. Gender is embedded in society because it is constantly being performed. Gender is performed everywhere such as an individual's home, store, bathroom, and even the educational classroom. The classroom is a universal space which constantly provides a space for gender roles to play out. Gender is constantly being performed in the classroom and it is routinely enforced by the teacher and any other subjects that may be involved in the classroom. In this paper, I will examine how gender binarism is engaged in the classroom. I will apply this factor to how gender is translated from the elementary classroom to high school and college classroom and then how it is implemented in the work force. .

             This correlates to the idea on how gender in the elementary classroom operates through the teacher's initiative on separating the students as well as more of a physical distinction like toys and colors. As for the high school and college classrooms, gender can be performed through as the act in which boys talk more in classroom discussions and a girl taking notes when she is in an all male group that is continually acted upon. It is through the classroom that gender is naturalized and because it is naturalized it has developed in such a space. By having gender applied in the classroom and constantly reinforced likewise it is utilized in employment.

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