Analysis of Death Penalty

             Death penalty is the highest penalty in the United States. People have different thinking about death penalty, or in other way capital punishment. " A 52% majority don"t think the death penalty deters people from committing crimes, and 60% don"t think vengeance is legitimate reason to execute someone .".

             Since 1976 in United States were made 3,214 executions. Twelve of them were made by US Government, and nine by US Military. From 50 states in United States just 12 of them do not have death penalty at all. D.C also do not have it but this is not a state. .

             Many people think especially black that there is more executions on black people than on white people. But the truth is that in death-row inmates 48%are white, 41%are black, 7% are Hispanic, and 4%other race.

             Since 1936 people changed their mind about executions. In 1936there were 61% favor and 39% oppose. In 1988 there were 79% favor and 16% oppose. Illinois have made 9 executions from 172 in the death-row. The state with the biggest number of executions is Texas. From448 in the death-row there were 150 executions since 1976.

             There is Five methods of execution. The most humane method is lethal injection, then electrocution, the gas chamber, firing sqad, and hanging. Lethal injection is more humane because is less painful than others. A Leuther from FRED A. LEUTHER ASSOCIATES INC. who is specialized in the manufacture and restoration of electric chairs, gallows, gas chambers, and lethal injection system, said that in the future he would produce microwave helmets. It would destroy brain and all brain functions. It would shut.

             down both the automatic and conscious nervous system. Within a second the executee"s brain would be cooked from the inside out.

             While executions are being abolished in most parts of the world (except Iran, Iraq, China, Yemen and some former Soviet states), Americans seem to want more of them, with fever appeals and delays.

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