The Civil Rights Movement of the African-Americans

            African-Americans Civil Rights Movement.


             Marcus Garvey achieved accomplishments in not just one, but many areas. His accomplishments ranged from a worldwide Black political organization, The Untied Negro Improvement Association, to the first, and the Black Star Lines, transporting people and goods to Africa. Marcus, despite his failure, he made a name for himself in many households across the nation. In 1912 Marcus Garvey studied abroad in London. He began writing African publications and became an avid supporter of African independence. His turning point came in his fight for African freedom and equality after he read Booker T. Washington"s book, Up From Slavery. Garvey responded warmly to it"s thesis of black self help. With that notion in mind Marcus Garvey returned to Jamaica in 1914 ready to make a difference.

             Marcus was not noticed for just one accomplishment is his lifetime, but many on them. When Marcus returned to Jamaica he founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), which sought, among other things, to work on black emigration to Africa. In Jamaica Garvey didn"t attract the kind of following that he hope for so he moved his tactics to New York in 1916. By 1919 the UNIA reached its peek with members in thiry-six states and hundreds of branches worldwide. He also founded the Black Star Line (BSL), which focused on purchasing boats and serving an international shipping trade that would return black people to their homeland of Africa. Marcus Garvey not only founded the UNIA and BSL, but he also founded the Negro World, grocery stores, restaurants, Black Cross Nurses, and millinery shops. All of Marcus Garvey"s accomplishments and failures had an effect on society. When it comes to the UNIA Marcus Garvey left an impact on society, which was felt immediately, and it is still felt today. By 1920, Garvey"s followers were in the thousands at his high point when he appeared at the First National Convention of the Negro Peoples of the World in New York City.

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