The Gender Equity in Schools

            Gender Equality Report on Education This report is designed to inform on Gender Equity in Schools and educational fact; it was produced to raise awareness to those who seek knowledge in this area. StudentsSchools are working to become more gender equitable. Surveys show girls are loosing out to boys in areas such as who takes advancement classes, who graduates college and even the salary of a post college job. Amazing as it is girls only make 14% of those who take advance classes, where as 26% of boys make advance classes (these values are slowly equaling). Also the vast majority of chemistry, physics, science and computer majors are male. This may be related to the fact that 75% of science and math teachers are male. Finally post college jobs on average offer 25% more salary to male employees. On higher level, there should be more equality to give girls a chance to earn positions higher than a traditional blue-collar job. Elementary Level Education Starting at a early age girls begin to be dominated in educational and most recreational areas; for example boys on average raise their hands to answer questions asked by the teacher eight times more often than girls do. And it is very common for males to receive more praises or constructive criticism on their responses to the question that the teacher asks, where as girls get the more superficial "ok" reaction (but that is not always the case). In a typical schoolyard the area that boys play in is ten times larger than the area witch girls play in. Self-esteem Self-esteem is an important part of the success of all levels of education. Research states that an average girls are more likely to doubt their selves and are quicker to let go of their goals and to except failure. Even though girls are more likely to doubt their selves and are quicker to except failure doesn"t mean that boys don"t doubt their selves and don"t except failure quickly, it means that the majority of girls do.

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