The Liberal Approach to Controversial Issues

            Liberalism: the word has a number of meanings. According to the dictionary, these include "favorable to progress and reform, as in religious or political affairs"; "favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, esp. as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties"; "open-minded or tolerant, esp. free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc."; and "characterized by generosity and willingness to give in large amounts". [Random House Dictionary of the English Language]. The views I hold are left of center, and I consider myself a liberal and I encourage government action to change things to increase personal freedom and tolerance. I believe in social and economic equality and that the importance of freedom and equality rise above the conflict of order. To demonstrate this, I will provide my stance on some major issues that are of importance to me.

             I identify myself with the Democratic Party due to its liberal ideology. I believe in helping individuals take more control over their own lives. This requires (a) providing an environment that does not remove choice; (b) making sure that failures of judgment are not disastrous, removing choice; (c) offering information so that choices can be understood and made intelligently; and (d) giving people responsibility and encouraging self-reliance. .

             I see the role of government as providing a place where individuals can develop their lives and contribute to society. Regulation of private industry is needed to ensure integrity and safety. I strongly feel that equal opportunity should be a goal, which should involve a level of urgency to rid the effects of poverty and discrimination. Health care and education should be easily available to all, since without either, individual choice is limited. I do not want the government to protect people from themselves, except to prevent actions that cause harm.

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