The Constitution and Electorate System

            In writing the Constitution of the United States the founding fathers constructed a document that has proved through the test of time that it is both flexible and strong. Inherent in the document are numerous provisions that allow for peaceful change, while also discouraging change. It is this dichotomy which has allowed the constitution to be relevant to this day.

             The most important aspect of the Constitution is that it calls for an electorate system, a system in which the people are ultimately responsible for government. The electorate system calls for the election of members for the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Constitution also calls for the election of the President through the electoral college system. The electing of public officials according to the peoples will is the most powerful tool for change that the Constitution allows the citizens of the United States.

             The Constitution calls for the election of officials for Congress every 2 years. Members of the House of Representatives serve two year terms, and Senators for 6 years, with one third of the Senate needed to be elected every second year. The electoral process affords citizens of the United states the ability to change its" representation according to their needs, and also holds representatives accountable to their constituencies.

             The founding fathers understood that public opinion is apt to change in short periods of time, because of this the Constitution calls for different lengths of terms for members of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The founding fathers sought to make members of the House of Representatives more accountable to the public by establishing their term for only two years. Conversely, Senators have six year terms and are more insulated from the changing tide of public opinion. These are important provisions for they balance the interests of both houses of Congress. The effect of this can be seen in today"s political process.

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