The Congenital Cystic Fibrosis Disease

             Cystic Fibrosis is an inherited disease that is present at birth and is characterized by chronic lung infections and the inability to absorb fats and other nutrients from food. When Cystic Fibrosis was first identified in the 1930's, it claimed the lives of almost all of its victoms. Now with medical technology, over two-thirds of "CF" patients live well into their adult life, however few of them are in perfect health. Cystic Fibrosis, remains however, a serious and potientally fatial disorder. Sickel Cell Anemia ia an inherated blood disease that occurs primarily in blacks and less commonly found in individulas of Mediterranean origin. In Sickel Cell Anemia, the red blood cells are abnormal, resulting in a chronic, very sever form of Anemia (reduced oxygen carring compacity of the blood). Cloning sometimes has a mixture of sex prefrence and medical reasons when diseases are more present in one sex. Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy, Hemophillia, and Fragil "X" syndrom, for example, all occure more in males. Hemophillia, for example, effects one male in every 10,000. It is an inherited blood disorder caused by a defiency of a particular blood protein. Hemophilicacs suffer recurrent bleeding, most often in their joints. Bleeding may occur spontaneously and/or after injury. Hemophiliacs also have been compounded by the very high incidence of AIDS among their numbers, as a direct result of treatment of their condition. In pratice the main application of genitic engineering has been to mass produce a varity of substances - all proteens of various sorts - to have uses in the medical diagnosis and treatment. The function of any gene is to control the production of a particular protein in a living cell. If the gene responsible for synthesing a useful protein can be identified, and if such a gene can be inserted into another cell that can be made to produce rapidily, then a colony of cells containing that gene will be grown.

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