General information on the Human Genome Project

             Thesis: Large corporations, such as insurance companies, and governments are looking to save money on future policyholders through the use of genetic testing.

             General information on the Human Genome Project.

             Time of discussion leading up to implementation.

             Who was involved.

             Where does the funding come from.

             Insurance Companies and discrimination.

             Discrimination against unborn children.

             Genetic testing for "bad" or unwanted traits.

             Fix vs. Abort.

             Not covering unborn with unwanted traits.

             Denying Benefits to Current Members.

             Forcing Genetic test to continue coverage.

             Not covering spouses, children, etc. who come up "Bad".

             Denying coverage to new members.

             1. New members who want to join but have unwanted traits .

             People switching jobs that need insurance but can"t get it.

             Governments .

             Benefits to people with unwanted traits.

             Will government protect people with a predisposition to recklessness.

             Will governments provide benefits for people with predisposition to genetic disorders?.


             Will welfare be provided to people with genetic predisposition not to work.

             Will the government try to alter people on welfare.


             Will the military attempt to genetically alter persons to become greater soldiers or officers?.

             Will the newly found technologies be used to engineer biological weapons?.


             Will corporations require genetic testing to be performed as a term of hire?.

             Will corporations issue genetic testing to employees to determine job position?.


             A. Define Eugenics.

             B. Creating a "Custom Child".

             1. Ability.

             2. Ethics.

             Privacy and ethical views on genetic testing.

             General concerns of privacy.

             Discrimination from insurance companies.

             Discrimination from government policies.

             Discrimination from employers.

             Who should now the results of a genetic test?.

             Individuals should know.

             Employers should not know.

             Government should not know.

             Insurance should not know.

             Widespread views on the ethical issues of genetic testing.

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