The Study of Multiple Personality Disorders

             Many psychologists worldwide are trying to find a cure for psychological problems faced by multiple personalities. Some personality disorders may vary. Adults may act like children, children may act out in violence, and some individuals just have split personalities. Multiple personality disorder is not easily defined, leads to social problems, and is not easily treated.

             Multiple personality disorder is an extremely rare mental condition in which two or more independent and distinct personalities develop in the same individual. With this disorder different personalities can inhabit the individuals mind for a sporadic period of time. Whereby, an alternate personality can be completely different from the original personality. Such things as temperament, outlook, handwriting and bodily gestures will usually vary. Even the name of the individual will generally change when a personality switch occurs. When a personality switch does occur, the subject's thoughts, feelings and memories are split from the conscious' awareness and control. The condition usually develops as a way of coping with painful and disturbing experiences faced in the individuals early life, such as child abuse, or if an extremely violent act has traumatized the person. .

             Many personality disorders like Multiple Personality Disorder lead to various social problems. According to psychologist, these traits usually arise when the individual is in early childhood, around the age of eight years old. Multiple Personality Disorder is able to happen by a means called Dissociation. In psychological terms Dissociation means " that a person mentally distances themselves from traumatic situations or emotional distress." By using Dissociation, a child can mentally remove themselves from frightening and physically painful experiences. For instance, if a young child is being physically or sexually abused by someone they have learned to love and trust, they can't comprehend why that person is hurting them in such a manor.

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