A Criminal's Mind

             Moving into the twenty first century brings about new changes, but continues to reflect on old issues. Capital punishment has been around before the turn of the century and is still being practiced today. America is one of the few countries left in the world that insists on capital punishment, while others feel that it should be abolished. I however agree with our government and feel that the death penalty is a beneficial tool for our countries success. Having capital punishment in our system helps to prevent crimes before they are committed. I honestly believe that criminals think twice before committing crimes when they know how severe the penalty is. It gives criminals a sense of conscience even when they feel they don"t have one. They are more likely not to harm another"s life when they realize hat their life could be taken as well. .

             One of the main reasons why I feel the death penalty should continue to be legal is because of my family. If a family member of mine were to be murdered, I feel that the person guilty of the crime should be sentenced to death. Not so much an eye for an eye, but rather a bit of vengeance on my part. I want that criminal to feel the pain and suffering that their victim did. I would be able to rest easy at night knowing that that person is not alive to harm anyone else anymore. I care too much about my loved ones to see their killer continue to live while they"re lives ended abruptly. It might not be the best way to take care of certain issues, but it helps to bring justice for our country. For those who disapprove of the death penalty, I offer a question, "What would you do if a family member of yours was murdered, would you really want the criminal to continue his or her life?" I know I wouldn"t, I"d rather see them burn in hell for the crime committed against my family.

             Although I feel capital punishment should remain, I often times reflect on the other side of the issue.

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