Downside of the Excellent American Education System

            Success, Failure and my experience in our system of education.

             In the book why they excel, we can see that American education system is good .

             by looking from the result of the progress of technology and economic in this country but why Asian students is better than American students in United states, is it because of our system education is lower than their system education or from the quality of the people?. We can answer this by looking our system education from the success and failure and my experience in here.

             We all know that American education system is good, as a result we can see it from the invention of many things for example like internet technology or computing system. The success from this education, we can see from the quality of the education, we know that United States is very popular in education, for example so many people from United States can work in out of this country easily after finishing their school. The system of education here is very good, in which studying in this country is very nice because we can study what we want without taking so many general educations. For example when we want to study business Computer information system, we can finish it by 3 years. But other country like Indonesia, we cannot graduate just by 3 years only because so many general educations we have to take there. So it is not efficient to take many General educations because it is not important, anyway we will forget it after we finish school.

             On the other hand American education has some disadvantages, for example like Asian students can do better than American students, it is really crazy things, because Asian students have to study the language first before they study here. But in fact Asian students are better. We can see why Asian students are better because of 2 sides, in which it is intern side and extern side. Intern side is for example like the motivation of their parents, and Confucianism.

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