Applied Psychology

             I was placed in an eighth grade English class that is an inclusion classroom. Inclusion classrooms are general education classrooms that include children with special needs. These classrooms typically have one subject oriented teacher and one special education teacher. The classroom I was assigned to had an English teacher (Mrs. V.) and a Special Education teacher (Mrs. S.). The English teacher gave the day to day assignments and instructed the class, while the Special Education teacher acted as a resource teacher for all of the students. There were three different classes held during the school day and each class contained it"s own culture, norms and rules. The classes are scheduled for two periods and have five-minute breaks in between each class. The school uses skills testing to place the student in a particular class setting that is closest to the student"s ability. The schedule of the classes is as follows:.

             Class #1 Periods 1 and 2 Inclusion class .

             Class #2 Periods 4 and 6 Inclusion class .

             Class #3 Periods 7 and 8 Not an inclusion class.

             The school racial makeup is approximately 60% Caucasian, 20% African American, and 18% Latino American. The first two classes have a higher concentration of African and Latino Americans, while the third class is closer to the school ratios. .

             Application of Stage Theories of Development.

             There are several different stage theories in use today. Erikson"s theory of psychosocial development, Piaget"s theory of cognitive development and the theories of moral development presented by Piaget, Kohlberg and Gilligan; allow for a greater understanding of why the students behave and learn in a particular manner. .

             According to Erikson"s theory, students in the middle school years are experiencing a transition from Erikson"s industry vs. inferiority stage to his identity vs. role confusion. This can be seen in all three of the English classes, however it is most visible in Class #3.

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