The History of Track and Field

             Track and Field events, also known as athletics, have progressed a great deal since their birth in Olympus, around the ninth century B.C. More athletes and more nationalities compete in Track and Field than in any other Olympic sport. Athletics is one of the largest attractions at the Modern Olympics, drawing in huge crowds of spectators and creating intense interest at summer Olympics. Track and Field events have come a long way since the Ancient Greek Olympic games. Many events and techniques have been revised, added, or eliminated since the original Greek Olympics. The Olympic motto, " Citius, Altius, Fortius" is describing the Track and Field events in Latin. The Latin means " Faster (Swifter), Higher, Stronger," and indicates the running, jumping, and throwing events respectively and the intense desire to excel. .

             Running events were a major part of the Ancient Olympic games. The running events were said to have held the greatest ritualistic importance at the Ancient Olympics. The runners raced nude. The competition started the shortest races first and worked up to the longest races. The shortest race was called a "stade" or one length of the stadium, where the first Olympic games were held. It is believed that the length of the stadium track was about 200 yards long and about 30 yards wide. The next race was a "double flute", or twice the length of the stadium. Intermediate races of no more than 1500 meters followed the short races. Records show that only one long distance race took place, a distance of just over two miles. In the data, which is available from that period, it has been shown that the number of footraces was no more than six or seven per Olympic Games. This, however, has changed greatly in the modern Olympics, where a complex program of running events takes place during a competition. The winner of these Ancient Olympic races would be rewarded with an olive branch crown.

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