Making Magic by David Abram

             Lack of Knowledge equals Trouble.

             Witchcraft is a delicate subject for people to talk about. Especially for religious people that think witchcraft is part of the devil work. But this brings another topic in mind, superstition. Superstition means "traditional belief that a certain action or event can cause or foretell an apparently unrelated event" according to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary (795). Though I do not believe in superstition, I respect those who do. Witchcraft for me is real, I do believe in magic and power it might have. My experience with Witchcraft I had was not so great; I bump into trouble in the process. However I learned to survive these tragedies and life through them. The way that I learned to live through my situation it is similar to the way Abram handled his situation in the short story "Making Magic" by David Abram. .

             The story "Making Magic" is about a magician that had the power to heal decides to not use his power for healing because of lack of knowledge of his magic. Later he decides to travel to many places in Asia to learn more about his magic but finds out that healing magic is out of his league. Abram, became afraid of his magic powers and also realized that he did not have control over these power. So it was better that he left magic for entertainment purposes only. People from Sri Lanka believed that his magic had real powers, but when the magician tried to show them that magic is "but illusions accomplished by dexterous manipulations"(514) he only accomplished to insult these people. Insulting these people was not in the intention of Abram; Abram had to respect the traditions of Sri Lanka. Toward the end of the story Abram was asked by Gede to perform an exorcism because he believed his boat was under a spell that did not let him catch any fish. What Gede did not know is that Abram had no idea how to perform an exorcism, but he agreed anyway.

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