Culture in Japan

             Did you know that the main source of food in Japan is rice? Well if you did not know this I can tell you it is. It is also used in some folk tales from Japan. This shows how much of these peoples everyday life is used in folk tales from Japan. Many other types of the people are used in folk tales also.

             My first topic for Japans culture is the food. It tells about working to gather food. In Japan they collect lots of rice and herbs. Almost all families in Japan eat Rice. Rice for the Japanese people is like hamburgers and hotdogs for the Americans. About 70% of what they harvest are rice, which requires a lot of work and effort. The people of Japan are used to the long, hard hours of work that is put into growing food. Another thing that is often used is tea. In Japan, people drink tea in the hopes of eternal beauty and extension of life. In most meals tea is the drink and rice is included in some way. The basis of all cooking is around rice and tea. Dumplings are also a main food in Japan but is not eaten as much as the regular rice.

             In the story, Dragon Princess Tasuko, the people work very hard for their food and don"t take much for granted. This reflects the life of the Japanese very much in a sense that the people of Japan are much more work driven than the people in our country. There is no just kicking back and relaxing as much here. The people in my story drink lots of tea and worked hard for their living of farming for the rice. Along with the people of reality Japan the people in my story Japan eat dumplings also. That is one other main food in the country of Japan. Like in Japan the people in my story believe that tea helps with eternal beauty and longer lives.

             The story, Dragon Princess Tasuko, is about a girl that wanted to be beautiful forever. She was the most beautiful girl in all of northern Japan, but like any young person she did her share of working in the rice fields.

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