Women Working Outside Homes

            Should Women Work Outside of the Home?.

             Due to the changes in society and increasing financial demands on today"s families, more women are compelled to take on careers, rather than stay at home. There is much debate on the subject. Some argue that a mother"s presence at home is necessary for the proper development of children. Childrearing expert T. Berry Brazelton suggested that "children who fail to bond with parents before the age of one may grow up to be terrorists." (Eyer, 41) Conversely, others feel working mothers gain higher self-esteem and set better role models for their children. For women, paid employment has resulted in heightened self-esteem and improved physical and mental health, claims the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Plenty of studies show that employed women are healthier than homemakers. Who is right?.

             At the turn of the twentieth century, definite gender roles existed. Women bore many children, cared for these children and took care of the many manual domestic chores. A woman working outside of the home was unheard of. Men were brought up to learn a trade, many times physically demanding, and be the breadwinners for their large families. The Ozzie and Harriet model of the 1950s was the norm. Something happened in the 1960s to challenge these gender roles. Technology emerged to ease the burden of domestic tasks. Washing machines and clothes dryers made this chore a lot easier. Dishwashers automated the daily task of washing the family dishes. Fast food emerged as an alternative to home cooked meals. Microwave ovens allowed us to cook our prepackaged meals in minutes instead of hours. In addition, women could choose whether or not to have children, how many, and at what intervals with the advent of birth control. This revolution allowed women more free time to explore their dreams, goals and pursue careers outside of the home. Many women got advanced degrees and entered into the workforce to supplement their family income.

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