Animal Factories in America

             Farming is a process that has been around almost as long as the human race itself. The first farmers experimented with seeds, land irrigation, herding and raising animals, and preparing the ground. Since then farming techniques have come a long way, and there are now more advanced farming methods such as crop dusting, hydroponics, and artificial insemination, with farming being divided into two major categories: factory and family farming. Without a distinct line between these two methods, they have a lot of similarities but also some differences.

             Some of toady"s farms are classified as factory farms. An online factory-farming page calls these farms "America"s Animal Factories."(Optional Resources) Farming was once to be considered a part of the family. Family farms were used to provide food for a family to survive. If there were any extra product the farmers would take it to the market to make money.

             Toady"s farming (factory farming) is very different than family farming. There is very few family farms left. Most of these farms are disappearing because they can"t get any money for their extra crops. In the late 1800"s when railroads and steel companies were booming, prices lowered and if farmers sold a large quantity for low price they may have gotten a rebate or bonus. These farmers who had very little to sell were ruined. Toady"s factory farming allows farms to work together better with transportation companies and consumers. The end product only comes in large quantities. There are separate places for all the parts of the family farm.

             Many farms today may have thousands of animals in one place and supply the food from many other places. Family farms had enough land to feed all of the animals on the farm. Factory farms usually have only one kind of animal. Family farms had every thing from cows to chickens. Family farms used horses, oxen, or small equipment to assist with planting and harvesting.

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