Anti-Cruising Law

            "Boom", the sound of the jail cell doors solidifies the reality that you truly are in jail. You cower into a corner and piece together the events that lead to your arrest. You try to comprehend why you are in jail. You are now a prisoner that society has thrown away to be dealt with at a later time into a crowded jail. Perhaps you have been placed in jail to teach you a lesson, or to punish you. But is what you did really a crime? Did you harm anyone, threaten anyone or endanger anyone? Did you violate someone"s rights? "No", you yell; you didn"t do any of these things. Then why are you in jail? Why? because our nation is beginning to launch an attack against the troubled youth of America. America has had enough. They are tired of listening to our music, tired of watching teens in their fancy cars, and tired of our ideas of having fun. Various states have attacked teens through a variety of laws such as anti-cruising ordinances, noise laws, and other discrepancies. They neglect to realize that the youth is bound to make mistakes. Teens are young and inexperienced; they have yet to learn the way of life. Teens want to have fun, they do not purposely make it their goal to annoy adults. But, the adult population is retaliating and making teens buckle down with new laws. Teens have a right drive whatever, and however as long as they do not endanger anybody or infringe on the rights of any other citizen in America. If America prides itself in having freedom, then why are they restricting the rights of teens?.

             America"s youth is by far the most troubled bunch this world has seen. Our teens struggle with violence of the likes that has never been witnessed before. High schools have been some unfortunate teens grave. Teens also struggle with drug abuse, and sex. Many teens lack a positive outlet to channel their anger, frustrations, and feelings of growing up.

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