Living in Canada

            Canada is a country full of excitement and interesting information. There is a poulation of over 20,004,000 in Canada. Seventy out of every hundred canadians live in cities or other communities of more than 1,000 people. About 45% of the canadian people live in metropolitian areas. Canada's family life is very similar to that of American life. The typical family consists of 3 or 4 members. Canadians earn a little less money than do Americans, but they have about the same standard of living. There are two official languages in Canada; English and French. Both languages appear on money, stamps, and are spoken within the Canadian parliament. Sports in Canada are also very popular. hockey is often called Canada's official game. Other popular sports in Canada include baseball, football, and lacrosse.

             Canada is located at approximately degrees longitude and degrees latitude. The country covers about two-fifths of North America. The country is slightly larger than its only boardering country, United States of America. The country is also boardered by the North Atlantic Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. Canada is a country rich with beautiful forests and scenic fresh-water lakesand rivers. The highest mountain is Mount Logan in the Yukon Territory. The towering mountain is over 19,800 feet above sea level.Great Slave Lake and Great Bear Lake are both located in The Northwest Territories. Running north off of the Great Slave Lake is the spacius Mackenzie River. Another great river is the St. Lawerence River. The St. Lawerence river is located just above the border of the United States in Quebec. On the border between Canada and the United States is a pair of waterfalls known as Niagra Falls. Together they are over a half a mile wide. The waterfalls fall at a rate of 195,000 cubic feet per second. Canadian coast is extremely irregular, with large bays, peninsulas, and numerous islands, in addition to the Arctic Archipelago.

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