The Dearly Departed - Comedy Play

            Dearly Departed, is a comedy about a dysfunctional family that goes to a funeral. The play begins with a letter that Raynelle Turpin reads. The letter sets the scene and introduces the Turpin family. During the reading of the letter Raynelle"s husband, Bud Turpin has a heart attack and dies. Marguerite Althorns, Bud"s sister was the first to be notified about his death. Marguerite a religious fanatic, forces her jobless son Royce to go to the funeral. Bud"s oldest son Ray-Bud was very un-sympathetic towards his father"s death, his only worry was the price it would cost him to bury his dad. Bud"s middle child Junior is a very passive father of two children. He is married to a dramatic woman named Suzanne. While they were on their way to Raynelle"s house, Suzanne discovers evidence that Junior had an affair. Bud"s youngest child Delightful, is a quiet, overweight girl. Delightful also doesn"t care too much about her father"s death; as long as she was eating she was happy. Continuously throughout the play the trashy, troubled family argue over the cost of the funeral. The play concluded with the family saying their final goodbyes to Bud and then having a Kentucky Fried dinner reception.

             Dearly Departed gave the audience an exceptional performance. Wearing sloppy, country style clothing, the costumes went perfect with the theme. The set design was very practical for the different scene changes. For instance, Raynelle"s home, Junior"s car, the Church, Raynelle"s backyard and many more. The stage movements were done quickly and quietly. The lighting and sound effects were also timed precisely when needed. For instance, when Marguerite and Royce were arguing over the radio station in the car, the sound of the music was synchronized exactly to the imaginary dial that the actors pretended to turn in the air. The play was a "Drop-Dead" comedy. I almost fell out of my seat laughing when Ray-Bud tells his wife, "When I die just bury me in the backyard and tell everyone I left you.

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