Aries in Greek Mythology

             He is the god of war and violence and in Norse mythology he was the god of war, violence, and justice. He was the son of Zeus and Hera. His weapon of choice was a spear because it was magical. The magical part of it was he could summon it by call it and the other part of it was if it targeted some one it followed it until it killed it. Among the deities associated with Ares were his consort, Aphrodite, goddess of love, and such minor deities as Deimos (Fear) and Phobos (Rout), who accompanied him in battle. The Roman god Mars, with whom Ares was identified, was the father of Romulus and Remus, the mythological founders of Rome. Thus he was more important to the Romans than his Greek counterpart. He was also more dignified. It was said that his throne on mount Olympus was covered in human skin. He was not immortal he could be killed by a human. Most gods, Romans, and Greeks hated him. Though an immortal deity, he was bested by Hercules in battle and was almost killed when stuffed into a jar by two giants. When he was fighting on the side of the Trojans Pallas Athene wounded him. She put on the helm of Death and, after bending his spear, hurled a bolder at him, knocking him down senseless, he received scant sympathy from his father Zeus. The worship of Ares, believed to have originated in Thrace, was not extensive in ancient Greece, and where it existed, it lacked social or moral significance. Ares was an ancestral deity of Thebes and had a temple at Athens, at the foot of the Areopagus, or Hill of Ares. Once he was caught cheating with Aphrodite and was hung in a net for all the gods to see and laugh at them. He is like a big bully because Ares often picked on the humans and little guys. To commemorate his victory over the assasins of Julius Caesar in 42BC, Emperor Augustus honored Ares with the cult title Ultor (Avenger) and a new temple. "Most hateful to me are you of all gods on Olympus, forever is strife dear to you and wars and fighting.

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