The Principles of Psychosocial Development Erikson

            Psychosocial Development Erikson, (1902-194), concluded that a humans development is determined genetically and that in order to move through each stage of development than they must be biologically, socially and psychologically ready. Erikson believed that the child"s genes resembled a timetable and it is this genetic timetable that determines the child"s stages of development. 'Erikson extended this principle to social and psychological growth; it is human nature to pass through a predetermined sequence of psychosocial stages which are genetically determined". Gross, (R), The Science of Mind and Behaviour. (1996) The Psychosocial Stages Erikson concluded that every personality has a certain amount of trust and mistrust that is essential to development through the stages. Erikson did however suggest that although the time to develop trust is in infancy he did suggest that under develop trust could be further develop in later life however it would be harder to do. Basic Trust Versus Mistrust (0-1): - This stage is essential to the child"s development of trust toward not just it"s parents particularly the mother, but how it trusts the rest of the world. If a child is well loved i.e. affection, cuddles etc. then it will develop an adequate of trust for the world, however should the child receive inadequate care then it will grow to mistrust. Trust enables the child to experience situations without fear whereas mistrust causes the child to fear, behaving with suspicion possibly even withdrawal. Autonomy Versus Shame and Doubt (1-3): - A this stage the child becomes mobile, curious and generally more independent. The ability to be able to see itself as it"s own person separate from it"s parents is known as, 'Autonomy". It is at this point that all the parents should still ensure the child"s well being they should still maintain a caring attitude and safe environment. At this stage if the child is put down or lead to believe it is a failure on a continual basis then the child may develop a feeling of shame and doubt in it"s abilities and it"s environment.

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