To Kill a Mocking Bird: Masterpiece of American Literature


             The book To Kill a Mockingbird was written by Harper Lee.

             was published in 1960 then it went on to win the Pulitzer prize in .

             1961 and was later made into an Academy Award winning film. Harper Lee .

             always considered her book to be a simple love story. Today it is .

             regarded as a masterpiece of American Literature. There are so many .

             characters in this book that I can't name all of them. Here are most .

             of the characters.

             The Finch family contains of Atticus (The head of the .

             household), Aunt Alexandra (Atticus's sister), (Jem) Jeremy (The .

             oldest of Atticus's two children), (Scout) Jean Louise (The youngest .

             of the two . She also trys to be a boy by doing boy things). And you .

             can't forget their black maid. Her name is Calpurnia.

             Miss Rachael is Dill's aunt that lives in Maycomb. Dill is a .

             friends with Jem and Scout. According to Scout they are married. (Boo) .

             Arthur Radley is the person that takes Jem back to his house after Jem .

             gets hurt by Bob Ewell. Tom Robinson is a black man that was accused .

             of raping Mayella Ewell. Bob Ewell is Mayella's father. He is out for .

             revenge on Atticus for what he did to him and his daughter. Mayella is .

             Bob's daughter who supposedly got raped by Tom Robinson. Judge Taylor .

             is the Judge of Maycomb County. Heck Tate is the county law official.

             I think the protagonist in the story is Atticus Finch because .

             he has the main part and he has the biggest decision to make. The .

             decision being whether to defend or not to defend Tom Robinson.

             To Kill a Mockingbird is set in Maycomb County, an imaginary .

             district in Southern Alabama. The time is the early 1930s, the years .

             of the Great Depression when poverty and unemployment were widespread .

             in the United States.

             The story begins during the summer when Scout and Jem meet a .

             new playmate named Dill who has come from Mississippi to spend the .

             summer with his Aunt Rachael. Dill is fascinated by the neighborhood .

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