Africa's Geography

             Africa is the world's second-largest continent, the biggest after Asia.

             It also contains more independent nations than.

             any other continent on Earth-55 in all. Africa is centrally located on the Earth's surface. It.

             straddles the Equator, extending for thousands of miles north and sough of that line. The.

             continent stands between two major oceans. To the west is the Atlantic Ocean and to the.

             east lies the Indian Ocean. The Mediterranean Sea in the north and the Red Sea in the.

             northeast also border Africa. .

             I have 10 different opion on the most common stereotypes about Africa. For the.

             Climate of Africa they said it is hot and dry, for most vegetation they said grassy lands,.

             for most common animal in Africa people said monkeys, African common skin color.

             black, Africans do for living they said herding and farming, types of family Africans live in.

             extended, most common religion in Africa are catholic, common language spoken in.

             Africa is English, civilization white people, government of African countries are.

             democratic, and the biggest problem in Africa today is hunger. These are the results of my.

             survey I have received. .

             CLIMATE: Because of its size, almost every type of climate and vegetation can.

             be found in Africa. The largest climate zone in Africa is the tropical climate with a wet.

             and dry season. The savanna, a grassland, occupied this region, which covers almost half.

             the continent. Like the tropical rain forest, the tropical savanna region is warm all year. .

             In the summer, or rainy season, the climate is hot and wet. In winter it is warm, with little.

             or sometimes no rainfall. .

             POPULATION: Today the population of Africa is approaching 680 million and is.

             growing rapidly. Population growth has created problems in the drier parts of the.

             savanna. During times of plentiful rainfall, people seeking land move into these semiarid.

             areas. They usually chop down trees to clear farmland and to use for fuel and heating.

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