Performing Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeries

             It might be giving you a sense of uniqueness or even adds character to your whole physical appearance, but what if you just can"t stand it? What if you have a physical attribute that just drives you mad? Well, you"re certainly not alone. According to the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, thousands of people in all age groups, from children to seniors perform cosmetic surgery each year. Between 1992 and 1998 alone, the number of cosmetic surgery procedures held in the U.S increased by more than 150 per cent. People tend to choose performing cosmetic surgery mainly to enhance their physical, medical and mental state.

             Aesthetic surgery is surgery that is concerned with improving a person"s physical beauty. It is the number one reason why people perform cosmetic or plastic surgeries. Some examples of aesthetic surgeries are abdominal etching, breast augmentation, chin or cheek augmentation, corona lift, eyelid lift, laser refacing, mastoplexy, otoplasty, scar revision, vein stripping, W and Z plasty (surgical procedures used to lengthen scar tissue along the normal pattern and form of the skin. The result is to make the scar less noticeable). The most common type of surgery performed all over N.A is liposuction. This procedure is designed to remove excess fat from specific areas of the body through a cannula by means of suction. Liposuction is the most common procedure among both women and men. Breast enlargement comes in second, followed by eyelid surgery, and then face lifts. Rhinoplasty, on the other hand is the most popular cosmetic procedure among people age 18 or younger. "Rhino" refers to the nose. Rhinoplasty is surgery made to change your nose"s shape or size.

             Another reason why people perform cosmetic or plastic surgery is to refine their medical condition. Laser- assisted in –situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and radial keratotomy, also known as RK, are very good examples of such cases.

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