The First Step Toward Understanding Social Education

             "Global Cultures: The First Steps Toward Understanding" Social Education.

             In Begler"s Article a discussion on how educators should go about teaching culture occurs. The article starts out by giving a definition of what is meant by culture and the different aspects of culture. The Author sets up the guidelines for which she will interpret and use culture. The definitions of culture are presented very clearly so as the reader can fully understand where the author is coming from in the rest of the article.

             The author spends significant time discussing the World Culture Model, which could be a very useful tool to a teacher that is developing a unit on culture or just incorporating aspects of culture into the classroom. The model that is presented can be particularly useful when comparing cultures because one of the hardest aspects of comparing different cultures is the fact that there are no common grounds to judge the different cultures. The model breaks down culture into easy to look at portions, which makes it easier for both student and teacher to study. .

             The end of the article is dedicated to giving a lesson plan and examples of how to use the model and implement culture into the classroom. The example given is very well displayed and gives some great ideas that teachers can use in everyday lessons or as ideas for their own lessons. .

             In my opinion Begler presents a very interesting case about the study of culture. She says that it is hard to understand other cultures when our own is misunderstood. I find this fact to be very true, from my own experiences in life as well as our class discussions. For instance when the case where the Navajo students wouldn"t take the test and I was presented with the question of how I would deal with this situation. This at first confused me but after thinking about the situation, I realized that I couldn"t understand why this would occur from the point of view of my own culture.

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