Idea of Marriage in "Wanting to be Accepted"




             The title Wanting to be Accepted refers to the idea of marriage and if you really are ready to if you don"t know everything about them. This idea tells the reader characteristics using a comparative approach of the characters of Rebecca. I am trying to tell people what some do when they don"t know one another and how the relationship works out. The novel Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier is about a young girl who marries an older man and they don"t know anything about one another. I will compare the relationship of Mrs. Danvers and the narrator; I will also compare the relationship of Mr. de Winter and the new Mrs. de Winter. And I will also compare Mr. de Winters relationship to Rebecca. I will show how they all acted an felt about one another. To present my paper, I will use the comparative approach. I will examine main character lives and compare their knowledge of self and others as well as love.

             Through intensive preliminary research, I have found that the following primary and secondary sources will aid me in supporting my thesis:.

             Matuz, Roger. Contemporary Literary Criticism Yearbook 1989.

             Detroit: Gale Research Inc, 1990.

             Gunton R. Sharon. Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 16.

             Detroit: Gale Research Inc, 1981.

             Templeton, Wayne, Kwantlen University College. Dictionary of Literary Biography.

             The Gale Group, 1999 .

             DuMaurier Daphne. Rebecca.

             New York: Avon Books Inc. 1938.

             Doubleday Doran. .

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