The Effects of Psychedelic Drugs

            The main feature of any of the substances labeled psychedelic is the enhancement of experience. Psychedelics have even been described as "instant experience." These drugs seem to raise the level of respond to fine gradations of stimulus input, to enhance response to stimulation at the upper and lower levels of perceptual responding. In contrast, depressants, such as alcohol and the barbiturates, and narcotics, such as opium and morphine, reduce attention to stimulus input. This looks like good news for some people but the use of psychedelics has a great disadvantage because it can cause communication breakdown in the brain. The use of psychedelics can cause strong temporary changes in individual"s sense of life and his experience his very dependent on the setting around him and more over it can trigger hidden mental illnesses such as schizophrenia or other mental problems.

             Psychedelic can cause strong, temporary changes in an individual"s experience of life and reality. This happens because this type of drugs affects the thinking and often senses like vision, hearing, smell, touch, and the body sensors that are responsible for informing the brain about body needs. The intensity of the wide variety of effects, are related to the size of the dose ingested, the mental state of the user, and the setting in which it is used. The behavior is uncontrollable once the drug has been ingested because there is no antidote. At high enough doses, many drugs will produce hallucinations, usually as a side effect of toxicity. While most psychedelics produce alterations in perceptions, many also affect mood, thinking, and physiological processes. What distinguishes this class of drugs is that they cause hallucinations at very low doses and the hallucinations are a direct result of the drug and not a toxic drug effect. (Keith, 1996) The measurable physiolo!.

             gical effects of psychedelics are similar to amphetamine and cocaine.

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