Gay and Lesbian Parenting


             "Gay and Lesbian Parenting".

             Parenting is not influenced by sexual orientation rather it depends on a parent"s ability to create a nurturing home environment. In today"s society we encounter many families that don"t conform to the traditional family model. We are eyewitnesses to families made up of interracial, multiracial, intergenerational, as well as gay and heterosexual parents. Children, as a result of gay and lesbian parenting are just as happy and healthy as others growing up in a traditional household, if not more.

             There are many myths surrounding gay and lesbian parenting. One being the accusation that many homosexual parents are introducing their children to a peculiar way of life, and perhaps convincing their children to follow in their footsteps. Homosexuality cannot be "caught" nor "taught" for that matter. Neither homosexuality nor heterosexuality is contagious. For more than two decades, both the American psychological Association and the American psychiatric Association have removed homosexuality from their diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders because it is an innate characteristic (A.B.A, 1987).

             In a study of twenty-four homosexual fathers, and twenty-nine heterosexual fathers, statistics show that 90% of all children are heterosexual (6). Studies have shown that the children of lesbian and gay parents do not differ significantly from children raised in heterosexual households in the development of gender identity or sexual orientation (3)." In fact, both heterosexual and homosexual parents show similarities in their styles of raising children. "In addition, it is also known that the vast majority of lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals grow up in heterosexual families (5)." .

             There is the myth that gay and lesbian parents have different relationships than heterosexual parents, and that will ultimately have negative affects on their children.

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