Cladius the King of Denmark

            Claudius the king of Denmark conduct in council gives him the .

             appearance of an Honest and honorable man. In Act one scene two .

             Claudius in the presence of council shows his true skill and ease of .

             manner at speaking. Claudius speaks well of the spent king by .

             showing a general love for him by all his subjects. Claudius show .

             respect for the old sovereign by speaking kind words of him. In .

             reality he cares little for the old king, he speaks kindly only to .

             give the appearance of loving brother. .

             Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother's death .

             The memory be green, and that it us befitted .

             To bear our hearts in grief, and our whole kingdom .

             To be contracted in one brow of woe Act I .

             As Claudius sends Voltimand and Cornelius off to give the king of .

             Norway the message of Fortibras, he thanks and gives them complete .

             trust, in the deliverance of the notation. This shows his trust and .

             caring for his subjects in front of the council, wining even more .

             consent from the council: We doubt it nothing: heartily farewell. Act .

             I Claudius increases his appearance of a honest and honorable man, in .

             front of the council by showing his respect for Polonius. He gives .

             him the power to let his son Laertes stay or leave for Norway. .

             Claudius speaks highly of Polonius giving him thanks and saying the he .

             was responsible for Claudius becoming king: .

             The head is not more native to the heart, .

             The hand more instrumental to the mouth, .

             Than is the throne of Denmark to thy father. .

             What woudlst thou have, Laertes (Act I ii, 47-50) .

             This council would see this as a man who greatly respects his .

             subjects and cares for them. This adds to the difficulty of .

             uncovering the truth for Hamlet later. Hamlet enters the council .

             chamber and speaks with Claudius. The king (Claudius) speaks with.

             Hamlet seeming to be concerned with Hamlet. He gives advice that over .

             grieveing is not healthy, this shows a concern for Hamlets well being.

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