Smoking: A Choice

            Smokers are the Victims of Secondhand Smoke.

             Smoking is a choice that everyone has to make. It is understood that smoking is bad for your health and nasty habit, but the rights of smokers have been taken away. Smoking and non-smoking sections were and exellent idea that is being slowly abolished. Over the last few years, secondhand smoke has become one of the largest, and most incredible tall tales ever. Through the lack of knowledge, closed minds, and pure self-centeredness, smokers" rights have been stripped away in most places, and they are left with an unhealthy habit, started by our distant ancestors.

             Smoking is an addictive habit that most people start at a young age and can"t kick. Throughout the years, it has been thought to be cool if you were a smoker. With recent studies and vague facts, non-smokers have been introduced to a new way or scheme to abolishing the distinct smell they deem to be nasty. In agreement, most people feel that the smell of smoke is not desired, but taking away the rights of smokers is unconstitutional and demises the whole basis of America. An all non-smoking environment is unfair to any one who chooses to smoke.

             Smokers often encounter an abundance of flack by those who choose not to smoke. In some aspects, smokers and non-smokers have been in abruptly placed in classes or races. In the days of old, our ancestors used smoking as a social tool. When homes were constructed, many families would add a "Smoking Room". It was a room in .

             which the household men would subside shortly after meals to discuss politics, money, jobs, and other important issues. If in our standards then, (what our country is based on) it was acceptable, then why not now? In our history, many great people have been smokers: Thomas Edison celebrated his invention of an incandescent lamp with barrels of cigars, Albert Einstein loved to keep a pipe in his mouth, as did many other great persons.

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