Andrew Jackson A Man of the People

             Andrew Jackson and his policies strengthened the new American .

             Through his actions during his presidency, he changed the .

             nation into a more nationalistic country. Jackson was a man of the .

             people, and he strongly felt that the common man was the power behind .

             government. There were many different aspects that mirrored Jackson .

             and American nationalism. Many factors, including his personality, his .

             policies, his actions, and the way he mirrored American nationalism .

             changed America into what become less of an aristocracy and more of a .

             democracy to benefit the common man. Jackson was a man of humble .

             background. In his time, a man that was born in a cabin was looked .

             upon highly, and some of those with more noble upbringings actually .

             apologized for not being born in more humble surroundings. Jackson was .

             a brash, strong-willed man. He first got his fame in 1815 when he .

             defeated the British Army at New Orleans with his untrained militia. .

             Then in 1818, he violated Spanish territory without any authorization .

             and hung 2 Spanish subjects for supposedly aiding some of the Indians .

             that were being hunted. He lost the election for presidency in 1824, .

             and claimed it was done so by a "corrupt bargain: between Adams and .

             Clay. He finally got his presidency in 1828. Most of his votes came .

             from the West and South. When he was in office, he made it clear that .

             he would get his way. He was labeled "King Jackson the First" by some .

             and he expanded the power of the President. He supported a strong .

             national government and used his power to get what he wanted. He .

             vetoed 12 times in his 2 terms in office. His presidency was one of .

             violence, and a sort of monarchy rule. .

             The second main point that Jackson strengthened nationalism is .

             his policies while in office. Jackson firmly believed that the.

             government should be restricted to become the "simple machine which .

             the Constitution created". He was truly a man of the people.

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