A Vision of a Perfect Life

             Every human being has a vision of a perfect life. If they did not it would be somewhat immortal. So does Blanche the main character of A Streetcar Named Desire. The only difference is Blanche has sunken to the greatest depths of her illusion and isn"t willing to except the reality of her life. Blanche is so lost and involved in living her life as an illusion that she is hurting everyone who cares about her; she accomplishes this by fabricating her past. In Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanches unwillingness to accept reality contributes to her breakdown. One is lead to believe this for the following reasons, her unwillingness to accept the reality of her downfall in social ranking, her unwillingness to accept the reality of her physical decline, and her unwillingness to accept the reality of her promiscuous relationships.

             First of all, Blanche"s unwillingness to accept reality is seen through her inability to accept her decline in social status, which contributes to her mental breakdown. Her inability to accept her decline in social status is seen when Blanche goes to Elysian Fields to stay at her sister Stella"s house. The following quotation shows the audience of Blanches unwillingness to accept the reality of where she is now going to spend quite a while, "She looks at a slip of paper, then at the building, then again at the slip and again at the building. Her expression is one of shock [and] disbelief." (Williams 15) This also tells the reader that Blanche is ashamed of the descent in her status due to her present residence. Blanche"s unwillingness is further shown when she asks Stella, "Why didn"t you tell me [how you live], Why didn"t you tell me, honey, why didn"t you let me know [about your living conditions]?" (Williams 21) Blanche cannot comprehend the fact that she or anyone close to her is poor. Blanche has gone through a lot of anxiety due to the fact that her family estate "Belle Reve" was lost to creditors.

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